Synonymous with illegal: used with instruction code, character, etc. The customer that you input includes the prohibition against registration in system word sign. 与非法同义,主要用在:置于指令码、字符等前面,构成禁用指令码、禁用字符等。您输入的用户名包含系统禁止注册字符。
The field name contains an illegal character. The following characters cannot be used: []!% 该字段名称包含非法字符。不能使用以下字符:[]!%
Illegal character in input file: '' ($)在输入文件中的非法字符''
Publish destination contains at least one illegal character. 发布目的地至少包含一个非法字符。
The act can't obviate illegal character because of the victim's promise. 该行为不因被害人的承诺而阻却违法。
The identification standard of civil illegal evidence should formulate by itself character, must define it in the significant illegal scopes. 民事非法证据的认定标准应结合民事诉讼自身的特点来制定,应当将民事非法证据限定在重大违法的范围之内。
The EPQ test to the male illegal teen-agers and the analysis of the individual character psychology 对男性违法青少年的EPQ测试及个性心理学分析
Secondly, I resolve the legal effect of the self-help behavior to explore the issues of its anti-actually illegal character and fulfillment of subsequent obligation. 其次,对自助行为的法律效果进行解析,探讨其违法阻却性及其事后义务履行问题。